Sunday, May 22, 2005

Project: Capt. Kate's Red Outfit: the Shirts Post 3

I don't have the money for linen roght now, probably won't until August. So I decided to go ahead and do a mock-up that could be used in another ensemble. I have also bought a digital camera, but am now having picture hosting issues. The pictures will come back soon. I promise.

The directions created by the Smock Generator assume you'll be putting this directly on your fabric. I'm going to draw it on paper since I'll be making multiple versions.

The problem with the brown paper is it curls badly. So much for hoping that I wouldn't need to pin the pattern paper to the material. I saved paper by drawing all three lengths on the same sheet, but I decided to start with the ankle-length chemise if I had enough fabric.

I found enough in this green that's probably a cotton/polyester blend. The polyester makes it not fire-safe, but I can probably use the finished chemise as one of the 14th century gowns if it turns out well. Besides I have to use this fabric up before I can justify buying more.

My cat Mustard helping. If he helps this much on other projects, he may end up watching from the cat carrier. Locking him up in another room won't work, the only room with a latchable door is the sewing room.

I've figured out one good thing about commercial patterns, using the material fold takes up less floor space.

The only thing I'm unsure of while facing cutting the fabric is the neck hole. I want a collar with a small ruff and those instructions are not provided by the Elizabethan Smock Generator.

Problem for the next sewing session. I ended this one after cutting the fabric.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Blog Maintenance: New naming format

I just went through a slew of dress diaries. I'm not going to critique their writing, just bare in mind what I liked and didn't for this one.

I can't do anything about blog "new posts on top" format. Yes, it is the most tiresome thing in the world. What I promise to do is as I finish a project to go back and edit the entries so you can follow the links through them. So eventually I will be adding a "Completed Projects" section to the Sidebar to start a reader off. Okay, I'm ambitious, nothing wrong with that.

Secondly, the dress diaries overload prompted me to change the titles of the entries. "Project: Project Name: Part Working on #" will be the title format for the bulk of the entries. These will be the entries concentrating on the sewing work. "Notes: Description" are links and pictures I found useful or think will be potential useful and needed a place to keep them. If you're just interested in how the project turned out, you can avoid these side trips. Any titles that do not conform will be site specifics or a life update, which a reader can also feel free to skip. Unless you get confused and need an explanation like this.

Notes: Articles I've found interesting Construction of Women's Gown A Fitting Concern Binding Eyelets. Beginners Tips FAQs The Velvet Peasant Variety rant Skirt length Worksheet to figure out skirt length

Notes: Corset

Research started on May 19, 2005

I want to make myself an Effigy-style corset. Most who have worn have praised how comfortable and how much support it has.

Period fabrics:

  • linen

  • silk

Modern equivalents:

  • "duck"/"drill" cotton canvas

  • "bridal"/"baroque" satin looks closest to period but slippery to sew

  • shot silk was used in Elizabethan times

  • silk if used should have the same weight as the baroque satin or taffeta

Period boning:

Modern boning:

Grommets: General sewing directions of three different styles. Recommends if outer material is flimsy, add another layer of studier fabric between outer and lining. Boning will go between two inner layers. Building a German style and English style corset. English is based off Effigy corset. Talks about how to draft the pattern according to your measurements. Article on recreating Effigy corset with broomstraw boning and leather trim. Recommends adjusting the point. A Festive Attyre's undies page, pretty much pretty pictures of things I want to make. Sarah Goodman's first Effigy corset. Sarah Goodman's second Effigy corset, wash 'n wear. Making ruffs. Spiral lacing. Re-enactor's site. SOCKS! As long as I could want. Effigy corset reconstruction article. Curved Front corset. A style I might want to try out.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Project: Granuaile's Garb: Pattern

Chad wants me to use this pattern: I'm waiting for a response from the Costume Coordinator.

She said yes to the doublet and said to avoid the trews. So it looks like I'm buying a pattern once I get the money for it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Project: Granuaile

I decided to take a vacation from RenFaire this year, and Pennsic was put on hold again. Which means that the time limit has just lifted, good thing considering how much time I've had to work on garb in the last five months.

But I now have to add a different outfit to be Grace O'Malley for the School Days.

This really feels too close to what I'm already doing with Captain Kate.

Pictorial evidence? Apparantly she never sat down to have her portrait taken--probably too busy raiding ships. What I have found that looks best to base garb from:

A engraving of the meeting between Granuaile and Queen Elizabeth, no proof of when it was done.

What a museum in Ireland has come up with.

Same museum, different shot. Tights?

Statue Anne Chambers helped with in Ireland.

What a song describes her wearing during the visit with Queen Elizabeth.

I think I'm going to need help with this. has a picture of the O'Malley crest as well as landscape shots. This one has pronunciation guide. She has an article on Grace, but I want to look over the rest of the site. Anne Chamber's site--I'm always looking for it.