Thursday, May 19, 2005

Blog Maintenance: New naming format

I just went through a slew of dress diaries. I'm not going to critique their writing, just bare in mind what I liked and didn't for this one.

I can't do anything about blog "new posts on top" format. Yes, it is the most tiresome thing in the world. What I promise to do is as I finish a project to go back and edit the entries so you can follow the links through them. So eventually I will be adding a "Completed Projects" section to the Sidebar to start a reader off. Okay, I'm ambitious, nothing wrong with that.

Secondly, the dress diaries overload prompted me to change the titles of the entries. "Project: Project Name: Part Working on #" will be the title format for the bulk of the entries. These will be the entries concentrating on the sewing work. "Notes: Description" are links and pictures I found useful or think will be potential useful and needed a place to keep them. If you're just interested in how the project turned out, you can avoid these side trips. Any titles that do not conform will be site specifics or a life update, which a reader can also feel free to skip. Unless you get confused and need an explanation like this.

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