Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Project: Granuaile

I decided to take a vacation from RenFaire this year, and Pennsic was put on hold again. Which means that the time limit has just lifted, good thing considering how much time I've had to work on garb in the last five months.

But I now have to add a different outfit to be Grace O'Malley for the School Days.


This really feels too close to what I'm already doing with Captain Kate.

Pictorial evidence? Apparantly she never sat down to have her portrait taken--probably too busy raiding ships. What I have found that looks best to base garb from:

A engraving of the meeting between Granuaile and Queen Elizabeth, no proof of when it was done. http://www.rowfant.demon.co.uk/womenandthesea.htm

What a museum in Ireland has come up with. http://www.piratequeen.org/seafaring_women.htm

Same museum, different shot. Tights? http://www.graceomalley.com/gallery.html

Statue Anne Chambers helped with in Ireland. http://www.graceomalley.com/gallery.html

What a song describes her wearing during the visit with Queen Elizabeth. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nwa/grace.html

I think I'm going to need help with this.

http://members.tripod.com/cathreese/DefiantWomen/pirates/granuaile.html has a picture of the O'Malley crest as well as landscape shots.


http://www.irish-society.org/Hedgemaster%20Archives/granuaile.htm This one has pronunciation guide.

http://www.cindyvallar.com/pirates.html She has an article on Grace, but I want to look over the rest of the site.

http://www.graceomalley.com/index.html Anne Chamber's site--I'm always looking for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm the webmaster for Anne Chambers site www.graceomalley.com

I like your blog, and I will pass the link on to Anne at our next meeting.