Thursday, June 23, 2005

Project: DTD Post 1

With some down time at work, I browsed the GSFBCG's site and saw a link to an article on how to create a dressmaker's dummy of your very own. I've been wanting one, but have read the horror stories of the bought versions (i.e. they don't match you and the clothes don't fit either) and couldn't afford it anyway.

That link led to a Threads Magazine article "Clone Yourself a Fitting Assistant". That article led me to Leanna Studios, where I can get detailed instructions for $7. Most of the people who offered comments on the process stayed under $55 for the materials, said it was a breeze to make, and has worked for their clothes.

The project for the weekend. Course I'll have to make another one for the corset and if I lose weight. Another thing I noticed nearly every female said their Duct-Tape Double was great incentive to lose weight.

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